Fundamental Research

Scientific Research

Chromacity’s ultrafast lasers have been designed for use in fundamental research in the life sciences, chemistry and physics (to name a few). Our laser sources are cost-effective, turnkey solutions that enable academic researchers to concentrate on their research and not running equipment.


Over the years, our fixed wavelength and tunable femtosecond lasers have enabled scientific researchers to drive new advances in quantum optics research and multi-photon imaging.

Quantum Imaging

Entangled photons are key to the development of optical quantum technologies, such as enhanced metrology, information, and communication. Chromacity has demonstrated entangled photon sources at shorter wavelengths in the visible region through our second and third harmonic generation modules. This has a number of key advantages:


i) the two-step process avoids interference from pump wavelength
ii) the peak of detection efficiency for APD is close to 690nm


Entanglement has been quantitatively verified by measuring violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt Bell’s inequality.


Discover more about quantum imaging applications for our Chromacity 520.

Supercontinuum and Raman Soliton Generation

The Chromacity 1040 is an ideal source to generate a cost-effective near-infrared supercontinuum by focusing ultrashort pulses into non-linear materials, such as photonic crystal fibers.


The high energy per pulse, free-space beam from the Chromacity 1040 is ideally suited for coupling into optical fibers. Unlike solid-state lasers, which tend to produce beams with an elliptical cross-section the Chromacity 1040’s output originates from a single-mode fiber, so it is perfectly symmetric. Light from the Chromacity 1040 can be coupled into commercially available photonic-crystal fibers with efficiencies of greater than 75%. The 4-wave mixing effect that takes place within the fiber can generate supercontinuum and Raman solitons.

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