15 Sep Chromacity laser focussed on China with Photonteck
Chromacity has signed an agreement with Photonteck for the supply and distribution of their ultrafast lasers into China.
With vast knowledge of the Chinese fiber-optics supply chain, Photonteck is becoming an established distributor of optical components and industrial lasers in the market.
As part of the agreement, Photonteck will promote Chromacity’s range of fixed wavelength femtosecond lasers and picosecond optical parametric oscillators (OPO) for imaging and sensing applications.
Fixed wavelength systems offer an alternative laser option for multiphoton microscopy compared to expensive tunable sources, when exciting fluorescent markers at 780 nm – 1064 nm wavelengths, for life science imaging.
The Chromacity 1040 nm system supports the demand for imaging deeper into biological tissue with supply of an affordable, yet reliable, ultrafast laser for academic researchers and simple integration for industrial microscope manufacturers.
The Chromacity OPO is a tunable source which generates broadband coherent light to perform FTIR spectroscopy techniques in the identification and quantification of chemical signatures when coupled with detector technology.
Photonteck aim to replicate the success of Chromacity’s OPO technology for their fixed wavelength systems, as the Northwestern Polytechnical University recently acquired an OPO for material characterisation.
Shahida Imani, CEO, commented: “we’re thrilled about the prospect of working with Photonteck in China to build upon the success of our existing distributor network.”
Imani explained: “our ultrashort-pulsed lasers are inherently stable, but Chromacity achieved a new milestone last year applying novel design and alignment methods to develop truly robust turnkey systems, complete with remote installation capability. It’s this combination of reliability and usability, which has really expedited our market entry into China, and, with Photonteck representing us at the local level, we’re excited to develop new opportunities together”.
With offices in Wuhan and Shenzhen, Photonteck is located centrally to a thriving photonics hub. To initiate the channel partner agreement, Photonteck will represent Chromacity at the China International Optoelectronic Expo (CIOE), stand 6A01 and 6A02 in Shenzhen this month.