Cardiac Imaging Webinar

NOTICE 2020 Webinar

Cardiac Imaging

Pushing the boundaries of multiphoton and cardiac imaging will form the basis of an exciting discussion during the NOTICE 2020 webinar scheduled for the end of this month.

NOTICE (novel optical technology in cardiac electrophysiology) is a small-scale conference that aims to create synergy between the strongest proponents of optical imaging, microscopy and manipulation technology applied to investigating the heart.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the decision was made to postpone the NOTICE 2020 symposium until next year, which was due to take place in Glasgow.

To bridge the gap, NOTICE will host a webinar on Friday 28th of August 2020 (15:30-17:00 CET) with participation from three excellent keynote speakers:

1. Chris Xu (Cornell University): “Pushing the limits of multiphoton imaging”

2. Ahmed Abdelfattah (HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus): “Genetically encoded sensors for optical monitoring of membrane voltage”

3. Gil Bub (McGill University, Montreal Canada): “New approaches for imaging cardiac activity in-vitro and ex-vivo”

With expertise in deploying the Chromacity 1040 to support academic research into multiphoton imaging and cardiology, Chromacity is delighted to participate in this virtual meeting as a corporate sponsor.

Secure your place:

Registrations for the NOTICE 2020 webinar is now open. Visit the Eventbrite page to secure your place.

The webinar, which is free to join, will be delivered via the Zoom platform.

For more information about this webinar and the NOTICE 2021 symposium, visit the conference website.