Biophotonics Webinar linking biophotonics experts from Japan and Scotland

SAVE THE DATE – Monday 27th March – to join our webinar “Bringing together leading biophotonics experts from Japan and Scotland” and discover the latest advances in bio-imaging, spectroscopy and nanotechnology research to address key medical challenges.

Join our panel of biophotonic experts from Scottish and Japanese Institutes to learn more about their breakthrough research, from cancer detection and treatment to the rapid detection of pathogens through high-speed PCR technology:
– Dr Clare Hoskins, University of Strathclyde (Scotland)
– Dr J. Taylor, University of Glasgow (Scotland)
– Dr. K. Bando, Osaka University (Japan)
– Dr. H. Nagai, National Institute AIST (Japan)

Follow this link to access the full programme and register for the event:

Co-organized by Biocommunity Kansai, Scottish Development International, Technology Scotland and Chromacity Ltd, this webinar is also an opportunity to discover more broadly the biophotonics initiatives in Japan and Scotland through the presentations from the Vice President and Executive Supervisor of Biocommunity Kansai (Prof. Sakata) and the Senior Programme Manager of Photonics Scotland (Dr. Alison McLeod).

The session will run on Monday 27th – 9 AM (UK time) | 5PM (Japan time) – See you then!